FAQs and expert advice about crèche services & babysitting

Here is a selection of Q&As from Your Devon and Cornwall Wedding magazine whether it be about flowers, hair and makeup, fashion, wedding themes, health & beauty, cakes, stationery, legal advice. If you would like your question answered by our experts, please email it to

Little lovelies

Little lovelies

Q Are we expected to invite children to our wedding when we don't have any of our own?
A Adele Stevens says: One of the biggest decisions when you start planning your wedding will be deciding whether to have children attend or not. This can be a tough decision, but you should consider what's best for you and what's right for your day - there are many factors to consider. The most obvious and definitive reason why children wouldn't attend is if the venue you have your heart set on specifically prohibits children. Furthermore, a destination wedding abroad, for example, can offer logistical difficulties for guests to have their children travel with them. However, if it simply comes down to your own choice as to whether they come or not then think carefully about their needs throughout the day because adult-focused events such as weddings can be long and tiring for children, increasing the potential for disruption to your celebration.

If you decide not to invite children then you need to send out clear adult–only invites. This will give these guests time to make arrangements but be aware this could lead to upset and some might not even be able to make it. Communication and consistency are key.

The upsides to having children at your wedding are that they will create a huge amount of laughter and fun, they will add fabulous photos to your album, and it could mean potentially more of your guests will be able to attend avoiding awkward questions from people in the run-up and possibly during your big day!

The number of children and their ages is something that needs to be planned carefully. So what can you do to make sure your little guests have as much fun as the adults? In short, well-planned entertainment for them is key. This way there's a healthy outlet for their attention and energy.

Take a look at the list below to see what entertainment you could look up in your area:
•A magician or face painting
•A bouncy castle
•Soft play packages
•Creative tables
•Outdoor games
•Toy hire
•Activity packs

Adele Stevens, The Sensory Area,

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